Results and standards

CadnaR makes the analysis and postprocessing of calculation results easy depending on the application and software options present. Techniques like the display of sound rays in 3D, particle ping-pong, partial levels and arithmetic operations with grids are used to enhance the analysis of the acoustic situation while giving support to the whole assessment process.

Where to calculate?*

With CadnaR you´ll be able to calculate results at:

  • Single receivers
  • Horizontal grid (2D grid)
  • Voxelgrid (3D grid)
  • Receiver Chains

Getting results at single receivers is a basic element of any room acoustic simulation. Nevertheless, grid representations in the horizontal 2D – Grid and in the 3D-Voxelgrid can help to visualize your results and achieve a deeper understanding of the acoustic situation at hand.

The Receiver Chain represents a poly line of up to 15 receiver points. It allows to calculate and assess sound pressure levels and STI along a certain path and automatically deduce parameters like the spatial decay rate. It is a helpful tool for the evaluation of open plan offices as well as in industrial spaces.

*For the calculation at horizontal grid, Voxelgrid and receiver chains there are requirements regarding the CadnaR Options included in your license. Please check the Technical specification brochure for details about the CadnaR Options and their contents.

Standards and guidelines

Special tools are available to facilitate the assessment according to the following standards:

  • DIN 18041. Assessment of the reverberation time (rooms of group A). Comparison between simulated values and target values according to room type and volume.
  • VDI 2569. Assessment of reverberation time for single person offices. Comparison between simulated values and target values.
  • ISO 3382-3 and VDI 2569 for the assessment of open plan offices. Receiver Chains serve as digital “measurement path” to deduce spatial decay rate of speech (D2,S) and speech level in 4 m distance of the speaker(Lp,A,S,4m). In combination with the reverberation time the results of several chains are used to determine the classification of the room (VDI2569). Parameters like the distraction distance rD and the privacy distance rP are automatically determined for the receiver chains from the STI-values along the path.

Especially for industrial applications CadnaR:

  • supports the calculation of the sound load at workplaces based on the emission parameters specified by the machine manufacturer according to EC guideline 2006/42/EC
  • provides tools for the generation and evaluation of enveloping surfaces following the ISO 3744 to verify the total sound power levels of complex machine models.

Additionally, CadnaR allows the application of innovative assessment strategies like the STI-matrix for offices, restaurants and rooms where human speech may cause problems.

*For some of the standards listed above, there are requirements regarding the CadnaR Options included in your license. Please check the Technical specification brochure for details about the CadnaR Options and their contents.

What to calculate?*

With CadnaR you are able to obtain reliable results for:

  • Sound pressure level
  • Reverberation time (T30, T20, T10, EDT)
  • Speech transmission index STI (including background noise)
  • Other psychoacoustic parameters (C50, C80, TS, Alcons, STIPA,CIS)

*For some of the results listed above, there are requirements regarding the CadnaR Options included in your license. Please check the Technical specification brochure for details about the CadnaR Options and their contents.