
Presentation of results

CadnaB offers an easy and well designed mode for showing the results. In fact, many users can make engaging presentations of results directly in CadnaB to customers, so they would be able to discuss noise reduction measures and even making recalculations in real time.

Click to watch a demonstrative video

The "Results" mode

The results mode allows you to check all calculated results, which are organized for every two adjacent rooms. This makes the fast-checking of any specific room pair within a building very intuitive.

  • Airborne and impact sound transmission results (single and 1/3 octave bands)
  • Partial results for separating element and flanks (single and 1/3 octave bands)
  • Information about junctions
  • Interior level results

The result types shown depend on the selected standard, the evaluation parameters and the transmission situation.


In CadnaB, the result of the calculation can be made audible with the help of binaural auralization. This allows the user to imagine the effect of a construc­tional measure. For this purpose, a source in the form of an audio file is sim­ulated in the sending room or in front of the facade, which is then reduced by the calculated sound reduction index.

*Option PRO required

Click to watch a demonstrative video

Fulfillment of requirements

In addition to the numerical results, CadnaB allows the inclusion of requirements according to national or local standards. Many predefined requirements are available within the requirements browser. You can then check whether any room pair fulfills the requirement or not by means of comprehensive visual icons.

Export of results

CadnaB can export:

  • Full project reports to MS Word format (.docx).
  • List of constructions into MS Word (.docx)
  • Calculation protocol to MS Excel (.xlsx)
  • Object tables to text format (.csv)