
Analysis and postprocessing of results

CadnaA is not only able to calculate and display noise levels in different forms but also offers numerous possibilities and strategies for the presentation of results for any kind of purpose. Additional postprocessing and analysis capabilities make CadnaA one of the most flexible noise calculation programs on the market.

Calculation at single receivers

Single receivers can be placed on any position in the project. Calculations at receiver points can be tracked down in the following ways:

  • Partial Levels show exactly, how much the different sources contribute to the overall receiver level
  • Rays from all sources to receivers can be visualized; this includes reflected rays. Each ray informs about the amount of contribution to the overall level.
  • The protocol function shows all attenuation terms for each calculated ray according to the standard used.
  • Each receiver point can be selected to calculate the pass-by level for a defined vehicle and speed. Results are presented as time history of the level at the receiver.

Horizontal and vertical noise maps

Horizontal Noise Maps over large areas are easily calculated by defining a grid area with a proper receiver spacing and height. Vertical noise maps can be defined anywhere in the project as well, providing a better understanding of some acoustical situations like the effect of a barrier in front of a building.  

Building evaluations

The Building Evaluation is one of the most relevant types of result in noise mapping projects. In a very easy way, a distribution of receivers around buildings can be generated with CadnaA. The building evaluations deliver the building noise maps showing noise level results along all facades and even the levels above the noise limit can be listed on a table.

Postprocessing of results with arithmetic operations

In CadnaA, calculations for up to 4 evaluation parameters and 16 scenarios at the same time can be done at receiver points, noise maps and building evaluations, within a single calculation run. CadnaA´s well know flexibility allows to combine results from different scenarios by using a large selection of mathematical operations afterwards. This way, it is possible to add up any noise penalty to a certain type of source or you can postprocess a noise map showing just the noise reduction of your proposed solutions.

Any of the before mentioned results can be combined using an extremely flexible strategy. As an example it is even possible to use any user defined expression with complete noise maps as operands in order to evaluate and produce new maps.


The ObjectScan feature allows to postprocess calculation results in different ways such as tables or even grids with statistical information of your projects. One of the main applications of ObjectScan is the analysis of exposed inhabitants according to EC regulations, but due to its flexible concept, can be also used for any kind of postprocessing tasks such as:

  • Maps of annoyed people (above a certain noise limit)
  • Noise classification of city districts with regards to exposed inhabitants.
  • Total areas within a certain noise interval within the total extension of the project.

Many of these postprocessing formulas are included by default but CadnaA also allows to modify or even create different processing tasks in a very easy and convenient way.

*Option X Required

Calculation of the uncertainty

CadnaA has a large selection of evaluation parameters. Among those, the calculaiton of the standard deviation is required by many guidelines like TA Lärm. CadnaA also includes a statistical analysis tool used to check the effect of any configuration setting that the user may alter in the calculated results, as required by Quality Assurance Standards such as ISO 17534.