
Material Databases

Several databases on building element data are available for CadnaB which can be ordered as "Option DB" independendly from the calculation software. These databases usually contain spectral data in third-octave band width. Depending on the data origin, however, also data in octave band width, interpolated to third-octave band width, or single number ratings are available.

CadnaB Database (Nr. 1)

The CadnaB specific database of calculated spectra for monolithic walls and floors, and for heavy double walls, is supplied free of charge. The user may enlarge the database by user defined constructions and sound sources.

  • Number of constructions: 1629
  • Number of sound sources: 46
  • Number of spectra: 1834 (R, Ln)

DIN 4109 (Nr. 2)

  • The Supplement 1 for DIN 4109 (edition 1989) includes data from sections 6, 7, 8 (wooden framework and concrete pillar buildings) and 10 (exterior elements). 284 constructions are suitable for calculations according to ISO 12354, of which 131 (Rw, Ln,w) + 287 (Dn,f,w) are single number values.
  • Additionally 531 constructions are suitable for calculations according to DIN 4109 (part 33, 34, 35, 35/A1).

UBA text 11.1985 (Nr. 3)

UBA text 11.1985, "Combining sound and thermal insulating measures at exterior elements" (in German), ed.: Umweltbundesamt, Berlin, 1985.

  • Number of constructions: 96
  • Number of spectra: 96 (R)

Saint-Gobain Isover (Nr. 4)

Measured data from Saint-Gobain Isover.

  • Number of constructions: 287
  • Number of spectra: 302 (R, Ln) + 23 (Dn,f)

Rigips GmbH (Nr. 5)

Measured data from Rigips GmbH, Dusseldorf.

  • Number of constructions: 41
  • Number of Spectra: 41 (R).

Geluidwering in de Woningbouw (Nr. 6)

PE Braat-Eggen; LJ. van Luxemburg: Geluidwering in de Woningbouw, SMD Educatieve Uitgevers Leiden, 1992 (section 7).

  • Number of constructions: 333
  • Number of spectra: 350 (R, Ln)

Fasold/Sonntag/Winkler (Nr. 7)

Fasold / Sonntag / Winkler: Bauphysikalische Entwurfslehre, Raum- und Bauakustik, Verlag Rudolf Müller, Wiesbaden 1987.

  • Number of constructions: 314
  • Number of spectra: 314 (R, ΔL, ΔR)

ON V 32 (Nr. 8)

ON V 32 "Katalog für schallschutztechnische Kennwerte von Bauteilen", Hrsg.: Österreichisches Normungsinstitut, Wien, Ausgabe 01.12.2001.

  • Number of constructions: 186
  • Number of spectra: 186 (R)

Saint-Gobain Glass (Nr. 9)

Measured data from Saint-Gobain Glass, countries of origin: D, F, NL

  • Number of constructions: 83
  • Number of spectra: 83 (R)

SIA D 0189 (Nr. 10)

Data from SIA-documentation D 0189 "Sound insulation in buildings - Collection of measured element data" (in German), ed.: Association of Swiss Engineers and Architects SIA, Zürich 2005.

  • Number of constructions: 420
  • Number of spectra: 500 (R, Ln, ΔL)

PTB-Report (Nr. 14)

Building element data based on measured data (for walls, floors and roofs of wooden structure) listed in the report "Integration of wooden and framework buildings into the revised DIN 4109" (report available in German only), final report, Braunschweig 2005.

  • Number of constructions: 146
  • Number of single number ratings: 173 (Rw, Ln,w, Dn,f,w)

US & Canadian Data (Nr. 15)

Building element data from various sources, e.g. NRC-test reports, manufacturer's test reports, literature data (compiled by: The Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, U.S.A.).

  • Number of constructions: 408
  • Number of spectra: 408 (R/TL, ΔR, Dn,e)

Código Técnico de la Edificación (Nr. 16)

Catálogo de Elementos Constructivos del CTE, Redacción: Instituto Eduardo Torroja de ciencias de la construcción con la colaboración de CEPCO y AICIA (May 2008)

  • Number of constructions: 385
  • Number of single number ratings: 487 (Rw+C, ΔRw+C, Ln,w, ΔLw)