
CadnaA Light and Professional as well as CadnaA Basic can be functionally expanded with a number of options*. Learn more about the available options below.
*Exceptions are indicated depending on the CadnaA product
Option BMP: bitmap and other interfaces
Any CadnaA product can extend its functionality with the Option BMP, to allow the import and handling of Orthophotos and other imagery. It also provides extra import / export formats and tools to improve the presentation of 3D visuals.
Bitmap handling (more than 40 different file formats).
Google Maps interface
Connection with Web Mapping Services (WMS)
Import and visualization of 3D symbols in the 3D special view.
Export of results to Google Earth (.kmz).
Option PRO: extended multithreading and additional tools which enhance efficiency
Option PRO, extends the multithreading up to 64 logical cores (threads) and includes additional tools to speed up and facilitate your work.
Multithreading up to 64 logical cores (threads)
Automatic closing of polygons function.
Transfer attributes between different objects function.
Migration assistant for RLS90 to RLS19.
Automatic search for errors in the DTM.
Automatic simplification of dense DTM based on height points.
Option PRO is not available for CadnaA Light products.
Option X: extended analysis and postprocessing features
Option X facilitate EU Noise Mapping in compliance with the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC. This option includes a set of advanced post-processing features.
Evaluation of the impact on the population according to all procedures included in EU 1226/2021 and EU 2020/367.
Statistical analysis to evaluate the area size for each level interval according to EU 1226/2021.
Conflict map generation: create conflict maps to visually represent areas with potential noise issues.
Population density: automatically distribute residents to buildings with consideration of building size and number of floors.
Customization & automation with LUA scripting toautomate CadnaA tasks and create user-defined functionalities.
Automatic closing of polygons and simplification of dense DTM functions.
Option X is not available for CadnaA Light products.
Option L: large scale projects
Option L integrates unlimited project size, making it especially helpful in large noise mapping projects.
Unlimited project size: Calculate large-scale projects with up to 16 million buildings and 16 million barriers per project.
Option L is not available for CadnaA Light products.
Option BPL: back tracing of sound power levels
Option BPL allows to calibrate the sound power level (PWL) of area sources, from sound pressure levels which are known (e.g. measured or limiting values).
Additional industrial Optimizable source.
Manual or automatic optimization of noise emission.
Calibration of area sources of which the pressure level at distinct receiver points is known or has been measured.
Automatic fixation of the noise quota.
Option SET: sound emission and transmission
With the Option SET, sound power spectra for complex systems can be automatically generated based on technical system parameters of a sound source (e.g. electric power in kW, volume flow in m3/h, etc.).
Generation of frequency spectra of radiating sound power determined from the technical parameters of a sound source.
Modeling of complex facilities and devices with multiple sound sources and radiating surfaces, considering the transmission between parts.
Ready-to-use stablished pool of data of about 150 pre-defined sound source models (source descriptions).
Data pool can be easily extended by user-defined sound source models.
Option RAD: radar tracks
CadnaA City & Airport extends its functionality with Option RAD to import and filter radar flight information from the most relevant formats and use it for the calculation of aircraft noise.
Aircraft noise calculation based on radar data.
Import radar data from Fanomos, Stanly and Topsonic formats, or defined by the user
Time period selection.
Automatic group classification according to ICAO-code upon calculation
Automatic filtering of radar tracks based on attributes.
Requires CadnaA City & Airport Professional.
Option APL: air pollution
The Option APL extends the range of CadnaA products by the calculation, assessment and representation of the impact of air pollutants
Calculation of the distribution for more than 50 pollutants, including PM (Particulate matter), NO2, NOx, SO2, Benzene, odor, etc.
Exposure maps for all pollutants from industrial and road sources.
Import of annual or multi-annual statistics of meteorological parameters
Standardized emission factors for road traffic.