Aircraft noise

CadnaA has many application references for the calculation of the noise emitted from civil airports around the world. The results are based on the most relevant calculation methods at European and International level. Furthermore, CadnaA offers many tools and post processing features which simplify your workflow and give more insight on the acoustical situation.

Calculation of aircraft noise levels

Use CadnaA to calculate the noise levels around civil and military* airports. Assess the levels at single receivers or visualize them in horizontal and vertical grids. Benefit from the advanced evaluation of the maximum level statistics and the Number of Events above Threshold (NAT) which allows you to assess how often someone is woken up by passing planes at night. Use the predefined settings for these advanced evaluations or define your own criteria for an individual assessment.

*Depends on the applied noise calculation standard

Effect of multiple sources, summing up noise from different noise types

Although the input and data-processing of airports and flight routes differ from other noise types like roads or railways, the results are handled and displayed in the same way for any noise type. The aircraft noise can be seamlessly integrated in the overall noise assessment to study the combined effects of multiple noise types (e.g. like described in VDI 3722). This allows to determine the number of sleep disturbed (SD) persons, the number of highly annoyed persons (HAP) at every building. Therefore, the identification of hot spots, where the combination of multiple source types reaches critical limits, can be achieved efficiently.

Supported standards and data management

All relevant standards are supported by CadnaA. For instance, the Integrated Noise Method (INM), ECAC 3rd Edition or CNOSSOS-EU ensure that CadnaA can be used for aircraft noise calculations anywhere in the world.

Essential for any project in this field is the data management. CadnaA offers links to any database to easily build up your model and keep it updated when the situation changes and has to be re-evaluated. The FANOMOS system (Flight Track and Aircraft Noise Monitoring System) is used by several European countries to record the tracks flown by all departing and approaching aircraft. These RADAR tracks can be directly imported and filtered so that you can start the calculation and assessment without cumbersome pre-processing of the data.

Noise protection areas

Many country regulations require the definition of the noise protection zones, usually for day, night and NAT. CadnaA can generate such noise protection zones automatically from the grid results. In addition, level and NAT contours can be generated by using complex conditions. As an example, a noise protection zone can be defined when the average level for daytime exceeds a level of 56 dB(A) and when the threshold level of 75 dB(A) is exceeded more than six times during the daytime of an average day.