

CadnaB offers several import options, such as BASTIAN format. In addition, CadnaB can be connected to CadnaA and CadnaR covering a wide range of applications.

Import of BASTIAN worksheets

CadnaB provides an easy to use import of BASTIAN worksheets. The single room pair can be directly used for calculation (e.g. according to ISO 12354). If the user activates the compatibility mode to ISO 12354, series 2000, comparable results to BASTIAN can be generated.

Import of INSUL files

CadnaB also imports constructions generated by INSUL (Marshall Day Acoustics)*, as XML files. All data including the sketch are imported. For constructions with several parts, such as a slab with a screed, the user can select which one to import. 

*Option PRO required
*Requires exported XML files from INSUL version 9.0.24 or later

Interoperability with CadnaA

CadnaB-buildings can be placed in a CadnaA model with a few clicks to calculate the level in front of the façade. In case of ISO 12354, the interior level can be calculated based on the façade level with consideration of the building acoustic properties. When using DIN 4109, the “relevant exterior noise level” can be calculated and transferred to CadnaB.

Interoperability with CadnaR

  • Manage and organize CadnaR files for an entire building in CadnaB.
  • Use CadnaR in the sending and receiving room to consider the position of sources, receivers and obstacles inside the room. The transmission through the wall is calculated based on the building acoustic properties defined in CadnaB including selected constructions, doors or windows.
  • Automatic calculation of the spatially averaged reverberation time for all rooms which are linked to a CadnaR project.

Interoperability with CadnaA and CadnaR

Connect both CadnaA and CadnaR with CadnaB for an extended transmission calculation from outside to inside and vice versa:

Outside to inside: (see video)

  • Starting from an exterior source (e.g. a road), CadnaA calculates the level in front of the façade.
  • CadnaB then determines the transmission through the wall based on building acoustic properties including selected constructions, doors or windows.
  • CadnaR is used to calculate the level inside the room at a specific workplace considering existing sources and obstacles. 

Inside to outside:

  • Starting from interior sources (e.g. machinery), CadnaR calculates the levels in front of the walls inside the room considering existing obstacles.
  • CadnaB then determines the transmission through the wall based on building acoustic properties including selected constructions, doors or windows.
  • CadnaA is used to calculate the propagation to the outside of the radiating building.