The cost-efficient solution for noise projects involving different noise types

Overview of CadnaA Basic

While CadnaA City Professional provide the best good fit for most applications, CadnaA Basic is a cost-efficient product when a limited number of calculation standards or guidelines is sufficient. CadnaA Basic includes everything from CadnaA City Professional

  • Noise types: Industry, Road, Railway

  • Includes one standard or guideline for each noise type.

  • Possibility to add further standards to CadnaA Basic.

  • CadnaA Basic can be expanded with the same further options than CadnaA City Professional

3D Visualization of a city noise map (horizontal) and noise results on the facades of the buildings.
In this video the bitmap-import is first shown on the example of Google Maps, followed by an import via the Web Map Service of As shown conclusively, the feature “Show on Google Maps” opens a new window inside your installed browser and navigates directly to the given position on Google Maps.
Building noise map of a combined situation of traffic and railway noise, taking into account the screening effect of the noise barriers over the bridge.
This video shows the application of a Lua Script (Option X required). The script actually makes the following actions: 1) Looks for buildings with no height and applies 20 m; 2) deactivates roads and railways which are passing through tunnels; 3) Assigns the right area of land use; 4) Corrects the height of other obstacles such as roads, foliage areas, etc.
Noise reduction of a proposed sound barrier. The noise map is the difference between the noise map without barrier and the map with barrier.

Applications of CadnaA Basic

CadnaA Basic has a suite of features specifically engineered to address a wide array of applications. Since all features of CadnaA Industry and CadnaA Road are included, the applications presented there also apply.

Assessment of the impact of industrial parks in mixed urban areas
Calculation of industrial, road and railway noise, separately or combined in one model
Assessment of new developments of urban areas
Analysis of new measures against noise within urban environments
Analysis of sound-proof windows
Noise impact assessment of leisure activities and sports
Determination of the combined effect of different types of noise on human health (i.e. Annoyed Persons, Sleep Disturbance, etc.)
EU Strategic Noise Mapping of entire cities

Advanced EU Noise Mapping Capabilities with Option X and Option L

CadnaA Basic extends its functionality with Options X and L to facilitate EU Noise Mapping in compliance with the Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC. This option integrates unlimited project size (Option L) as well as a set of advanced post-processing features (Option X):

  • Unlimited project size: calculate large-scale projects with an unlimited number of screening objects.

  • Evaluation of the impact on the population according to all procedures included in EU 1226/2021 and EU 2020/367.

  • Statistical analysis to evaluate the area size for each level interval according to EU 1226/2021.

  • Population density: automatically distribute residents to buildings with consideration of building size and number of floors.  

  • Conflict maps generation: create conflict maps to visually represent areas with potential noise issues.

  • Customization & automation with LUA scripting to automate CadnaA tasks and create user-defined functionalities.

Product information

CadnaA Basic is offered as a single product. Refer to the Scope of Performance document for further details, including the available calculation standards and guidelines.

CadnaA Basic

  • Unlimited number of sources / project

  • Multithreading up to 16 cores (64 with Option PRO)

  • Limited project size (Expandable with Option L)

  • Available options: BMP, BPL, SET, PRO, X, L, APL