DK Blog

Why Software Maintenance?

DataKustik answers the most frequent asked questions from users!

One of the main concerns when a software is purchased is the software maintenance. What does it include? How much does it cost? Is this all worth it?... This blog post tries to deliver some answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What does the software maintenance include?

  • Software updates: Our software products are highly advanced tools for the professional use. Only software maintenance ensures that you always use the newest technology. This is especially true for our CadnaA software, where significant measures with far reaching consequences are based on the calculated results. In most of the cases, it is needed to keep your software up to date with new or partial changed calculation standards, and therefore, keep the validity of your results in critical cases.
  • Professional hotline: In addition to the updates, software maintenance includes direct hotline by our team of highly experienced engineers and IT-specialists with expertise in all areas of noise calculations. You can reach us by filling up the hotline form.
  • Education material: By accessing the user´s internal area, you will be able to educate yourself with our extensive collection of tutorial videos. This online-based training is an efficient way to learn not only about the basic handling of any of our software, but also about the latest developments, without leaving your office. In addition, you get access to our repository of technical notes. 

Is that all about it?

Of course not. Software maintenance also includes additional advantages such as Q/A sessions, model reviews in order to speed the calculation proccess and special discounts on events like user-days or trainings.

Do I need software maintenance to use my DataKustik´s software licenses?

No, you don´t. DataKustik software is based on permanent licenses meaning that you will be able to use the software anytime. You can´t run the newest version software though, only the version you are entitled to use. 

Can I purchase and install the latest calculation standards in my older CadnaA license? 

No. The newest implementations of the standards are developed at a certain CadnaA version. You need to update first so you are then ready to purchase new standards.